Story number 1 for 27 Apr 2001

By April 27, 2001

(Indonesia)–We begin today’s newscast in Indonesia where failed peace talks aren’t affecting plans to expand radio outreach in that predominately Muslim country. Back to the Bible, in partnership with Far East Broadcasting Company, is airing a new program there. Back to the Bible’s Gregory Bacon. “We just started the radio Bible teaching program called, Truth For Today. Our program is addressing day to day issues that people are facing – answering people’s questions about the uncertainty of the government and eternal life.” Bacon says the program is currently being aired on FEBC’s local stations in Indonesia and on short-wave from Saipan. He says the program will lead people to Christ, but it’ll take time. “People have been responding very positively to the program and asking very key questions, but when you’re working in a Muslim country there’s so many levels that you have a to work through in order to get someone to really understand what you’re trying to say.”

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