USA (MNN) — This weekend, Wycliffe
USA simulcast the LeadNow conference being held in Dallas, Texas.
The conference was aimed at equipping and
mobilizing 20 and 30 somethings to a lifestyle of mission.
The premise of the LeadNow
National Conference is that the mission of the church matters. According
to organizers, followers of Christ appear to be frozen in their faith, unable
to take the necessary steps required to initiate true-life transformation.
Church leaders are calling this
targeted generation to a radical obedience. How?
They have a three-pronged
approach. First, LeadNow equips Christians to resist theme-centered,
consumerism mindset creeping into the church. Instead, they show church
leaders how to teach and preach in a way that mobilizes people to a lifestyle
of mission.
Secondly, many churches see small
groups as the place where real discipleship happens. LeadNow explains the
different types of small groups and helps conference participants to see small
groups as a launching pad for people to be sent out into the community and the
Lastly, LeadNow challenged
believers to servant mindedness. Such a
worldview can transform church culture so that everyone is on mission and using
their God-given skills and passions to serve others. LeadNow connects
opportunity with the church in order to become strategic in DOING mission
through the Church.
speakers included author Donald Miller, pastor Francis Chan, Barna Research
Group founder George Barna, and many others. The Wycliffe Mobilization Center
was the only Orlando host site for LeadNow 2009.
They hoped to draw an audience,
possibly unfamiliar with Wycliffe, into the Wycliffe Mobilization Center. Pray that it will ignite a passion for evangelism. Pray, too, that future partnerships will form because of the relationships made at this event.