70 years of mission aviation and going strong

By June 16, 2015
(Photo courtesy Mission Aviation Fellowship)

(Photo courtesy Mission Aviation Fellowship)

International (MNN/MAF) — This month marks Mission Aviation Fellowship’s 70th year in ministry.

John Boyd, MAF president and CEO, says in 1945, “MAF was founded by those who realized that small airplanes could be used to take the Gospel to isolated parts of the world,” adding that the first flight was to Mexico, piloted by Betty Greene. “Since then, we’ve expanded across the world and serve on every continent except Antarctica.”

Today, MAF operates a fleet of 132 airplanes in 31 countries, enabling the work of some 1,500 churches, mission organizations, medical groups, and relief agencies. MAF also provides IT and communication tools to support mission and development work, and make life better for isolated people.

With 132 planes flying in rustic conditions in 31 countries, there’s a lot of wear and tear on the equipment. Physically speaking, safety is a number one priority. Plane maintenance is a key ministry expense–the second largest expense after fuel. MAF is trying to raise $388,056 by July 31 so that their planes can keep flying safely and opening doors for Christ’s love to be shared in the most remote places in the world.

(Photo courtesy Mission Aviation Fellowship/FB)

(Photo courtesy Mission Aviation Fellowship/FB)

Why keep MAF in the air? In addition to the work at its permanent bases, MAF is currently enabling disaster response efforts in Nepal. They’re partnering with Fishtail Air, a Nepali company, to coordinate helicopter transportation to remote villages in the mountains of Nepal that have been devastated by earthquakes in April and May.

The MAF-Fishtail partnership has conducted more than 800 flights to 150 different communities in Nepal. They have helped 48 different aid groups, transported more than 1,100 relief workers, and delivered 131 metric tons of relief supplies.

MAF uses aviation training and technology because in many of the isolated places where they work, it’s the only way to reach the people with God’s love.

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