A Christian school agency hit hard by flooding in Bangladesh.

By September 10, 2004

Bangladesh (MNN)–It’s monsoon season in Bangladesh. Heavy flooding left two-fifths of the country under water for about a month. More than 30 million people have been affected, at least 10 million severely.

Agricultural damages are placed at around four billion dollars, with billions more on the infrastructure. Property losses have left thousands homeless.

Worldwide Christian Schools’ Scott VanderKooy explains how the crisis touched their outreach. “Worldwide Christian Schools is working directly with 117 schools in Bangladesh, of which over 35 have been damaged, and five are closed and are waiting repairs. Our priority right now, going forward with Bangladesh is to encourage Bangladeshi educators and repairing school buildings.”

As for ministry, he explains that Christian schools are welcome where Christian churches are not. That’s especially true in Muslim areas. Because of the high academic standards of Christian schools, Muslim parents will send their kids to Christian schools.

VanderKooy says as their teams begin cleanup, they will need support. “Pray that the Christians in this country stand out, and not stand out because of their might, but stand out because of their love, and I think that is really what’s going to make the population take notice.”

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