A Kashmiri believer is missing after threats by local Muslims

By May 10, 2005

India (MNN) — Kashmir, India is a difficult area to preach the Gospel. Radical Islam is common. The high tension between India and Pakistan causes tensions. And now, a Christian has been kidnapped.

According to Asia Harvest a women who converted to Christianity from Islam is missing. This woman, we’ll call “Katia”, is one of only a very few Kashmiri women who have come to know Christ and is now very influential in spreading the Good News in this severely restricted region.

According to Asia Harvest, Christians face death threats. Last week the Muslim mullahs requested that Asia Harvest workers move from their offices. Then they were told to leave their homes. Yesterday, Asia Harvest was told that Nargis had been kidnapped.

“Katie” has been involved in several ministries in Kashmir including translation work. She’s working on translating and producing children’s Bible stories.

Pray for the group leader there. He has not been able to locate “Katie”. A report has been filed with the Police department. The church leader there has also received death threats. Pray that this situation unites the church and allows them to talk about Christ even more.

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