Kenya (MNN) — Are you thirsty? Chances are you can get a cup of water in a few moments. But more than two billion people around the world don’t have regular access to safe water, according to data the World Health Organization (WHO) compiled from 2022. (Learn more about WHO’s definition of “safely managed drinking water services” here.)
Kenya is among many countries whose people struggle find enough water to live.
“Don’t we just take clean water for granted?” says Brian Dennett with AMG International. “Our national leader (in Kenya) shared stories of people they work with that travel 12 miles in a day just to fetch water for cooking and drinking. Talk about how precious that water is with the amount of labor it takes to get it.”

Photo is of a bore well AMG installed in India to help fight extreme heat. (Image courtesy AMG India)
Multiple years of low rainfalls in the Horn of Africa led to a terrible drought in 2020–2023. Losses of livestock, crops and natural water sources were devastating. Then, heavy rainfalls and floods in late 2023 brought a different kind of destruction. It’s going to take a long time to recover, and in the meantime, help is needed.
“In many countries like Kenya, we provide water filter systems. We’ve done hundreds of borewells just in the last several years. Like everything we do, we include the gospel,” says Dennett.
The next time you turn on a faucet, would you pray for thirsty people in the world? Pray that ministries like AMG would be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus, offering physical water and the true spiritual water that Jesus is.
You can partner with AMG to do this very thing. A gift of $60 covers one filter that can work for around seven years. Or you can give toward a borehole well, which costs as little as $3,000.
“We’ve actually targeted five villages that are in desperate need of clean water. We’re going to be building wells in each of those five villages. Then in other parts (of the world), we want to be able to continue providing hundreds, maybe thousands of water filters,” Dennet says.
(Header photo is a representative stock image taken in Kenya in 2023, courtesy of Evans Dims via Unsplash.)