Mozambique (MNN) — We have been following
the growth of Audio Scripture Ministries in Mozambique.
The ministry team in Xai Xai has
outgrown the facilities and desperately needs a new location. The need prompted a fundraising campaign they
call "One Brick at a Time."
As ASM's Tom Dudenhofer explains,
that was the easy part. Now, "We have run into a number of roadblocks."
Starting with getting the
approvals needed to begin building, the government red tape has proven to be a challenge.
At one point, frustration took the upper
hand because "it seems like the rules and regulations are sort of a
combination of tribal expectations, an attempt to provide some sort of rules
and regulations to society, and a lot of corruption."
The team had
trouble getting the council all together in the same place at the same time to
get paperwork approved. Then, it was
getting assigned a surveyor notorious for corruption. ASM put the prayer needs before friends and
supporters, and things started changing. Dudenhofer says, "We know that this was the
Lord. One of the tribal chiefs, out of
the clear blue, stepped in and finally said, ‘I'll grant you permission go ahead
and begin to build without the surveyor.'"
With that path cleared, the team started work on a storage shed on
the property. "They have begun to lay
some cement floor and a few walls, but it will have a reed roof so that it
fulfills the obligations to the local law that we indeed are going to build
something substantial on that property."
They're now awaiting the final
green lights to build the recording studios. "If we get written permission to build the facilities–let's say at the
end of this month, the building itself can go very quickly. It could be just a matter
of six to eight weeks, as far as getting a preliminary building.'"
ASM has about a third of
what they need in funds, but it's enough to get the project going. Dudenhofer hastens to add that their
ministry hasn't lost its focus. Rather, it has been the strong response to the
Gospel that shores up their determination to see the project through.
Right now, the team is in Chimoio
to distribute God's Word in audio in the Shona language. Pray for safety in travels as well as wisdom in choosing which specific areas the
distributions will take place. "Everywhere
they go, the demand outstrips the availability of players. So Audio Scripture Ministries
typically does not engage in building projects; however, we have done so
because we know that if we can get that building done, it opens the door for
years of ministry."