Cuba (MNN)–Cuban officials are bracing for four years of U-S economic sanctions. And yet, because of some diplomatic progress made, tourism is seeing a resurgence.
There are signs of new construction, and a resurgence of tourism from many foreign countries. The growth brings revenue into the country. It also widens the gap between the rich and the poor.
And yet, doors are slowly opening in Cuba. While conditions are improving, many still suffer economically, morally, and spiritually.
AMG International sent a team to investigate the possibility of a new outreach there. Many Cubans are looking for something they have not found in communism.
The AMG team met with a group of men who have stayed faithful to the Lord through the years of revolution and changes to their country. This group is made up of approximately thirty evangelists and nine pastors who are ministering in 38 churches throughout the country.
Because of the openness to the Gospel and the faithfulness of believers, AMG decided to begin a ministry in Cuba. Not only are they supporting three national workers at $50 a month each, they are also supplying Bibles and Christian literature for use in outreach in two of Havana’s largest prisons.