Authorities in South Asia release a missionary

By August 30, 2011

South Asia
(GFA/MNN) — In some parts of South Asia, it's not unusual for believers to
face false accusations.

That's been the case for Roshan Kuma, a missionary supported by Gospel for Asia,
and his brother-in-law, M.T. Joshri. They were arrested March 10, 2010 and have
been behind bars under charges of working with the Maoists, an anti-government
terrorist group.

The good news is
that Kuma is now free, released on August 10 after a trial earlier this month
found him innocent of the charges brought against him.   

While Kuma was in
prison, he refused to give up his calling to share the Gospel. He told his
fellow prisoners about the love of Jesus, and many chose to follow Christ. He also started a prayer meeting in the jail.

At the time of
his arrest, Kuma pastored a church with about 100 members. Some in his village
believe the accusations against the missionary pastor originated with
anti-Christian extremists unhappy with the growth of the church.

"In spite of
spending more than a year of suffering in prison, Pastor Roshan's vision for
serving Jesus never dimmed. He still has an unquenchable thirst and
passion for the ministry," said Dr. K.P. Yohannan, Gospel for Asia president
and founder. "He continues to serve in the same area where there's a lot of
Maoist activity, which causes many people to live in fear. Yet he has a
successful and wonderful ministry in this small village."

The believers in
Roshan's village continually prayed for their pastor while he was in prison. The
amazing part was that while the pastor was behind bars, the church grew and now
has about 125 people attending worship each week. The congregation is in the midst of
constructing a new church building, which they plan to dedicate this fall.

"Please pray for
Pastor Roshan, that God would continue to use him mightily for the Kingdom,"
K.P. asked. "Praise the Lord for using Pastor Roshan in prison and for the
inmates who chose to follow Jesus. Pray that they will stand firm in their
faith–even while they are in prison."

Also keep praying
for Kuma's brother, M.T. Joshri. There has
been no new word on his case.


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