International (MNN) — Since Ramadan began on August 1, millions of Muslims across the globe have been fasting, praying, and doing good works.
Ramadan is the "holy month" of Islam, during which, Muslims believe, the Muslim prophet Muhammad received the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an. All month, Muslims have been abstaining from food and water until sundown. Some have even traveled to the Muslim holy city of Mecca.
Throughout the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims are often more sensitive to spiritual issues, seeking God as perhaps they have not in the past. This openness to seeking God causes many Christians to pray daily for Muslims during Ramadan.
If ever there was a day to pray throughout the month, however, it's tomorrow.
Tomorrow is what's known as the Night of Power, or the Night of Destiny during Ramadan. The Night of Power is the very night that Muslims believe revelations were first given to Muhammad. During this night, more than perhaps any other night of the year, Muslims are praying and seeking spiritually.
"They believe that God in that night will answer your prayer and change your destiny for that year," explains Crescent Project founder Fouad Masri. "So on that night, many Muslims are spending time in prayer, in request. They might be reciting the Qur'an. Devout Muslims try to use that night as a way to change their fate, to change their destiny for the next year."
Because Muslims are praying more than ever during the Night of Power, believers are praying more than ever for Muslims.
"There are a lot of Christians meeting together, also praying for Muslims that night, because Muslims are very spiritually in tune; maybe they're thinking about eternity, maybe they're thinking about their destiny," says Masri.
Prayer is vital. Already this month, Crescent Project has seen Muslims come to Christ one after another, in part as a result of kneeling believers.
"We are seeing the fruit of those prayers, number one, in the openness in Muslims' hearts," notes Masri, who says Muslims are more open to the Gospel now than ever. "The second thing is the changes we see in the Muslim world."
As the Muslim world continues to evolve with new governments and alternative ways of thinking, people are starting to question Islam. Hearts are open and are responding to Christ.
"The prayers are being answered, [and] it's happening on different levels: openness of society, openness of Muslims, and then Muslims becoming believers in Jesus."
If you have been praying for Muslims for the month of Ramadan, or even if you've never thought to do so, Crescent Project has a program designed for you. Whether you come into contact with Muslims daily or just once a year, it's important to know how to reach them properly with the Gospel.
Crescent Project's Oasis Conference in 2011 will help you on your way to having intelligent, thought-provoking conversations with Muslims. This year the conference will be in Washington D.C. from November 3-5. To learn more about reaching the largest unreached people group in the world with the love of Christ, visit www.crescentproject.org/oasis.
I will not cease to praying for the salvation of muslims
Thank you Umune!! We love prayer warriors who will go to the “battlefield” on behalf of the unsaved 🙂