USA( MNN) — Today's military family faces frequent deployments and increased family separations. This often proves to be a stressful challenge for adults and children.
Bible Pathway Ministries' Al Joslyn says, "One of our goals is for the spouses of those who are going overseas to be able to read the Word together and to help unify the family, along with the children."
BPM is providing these families with a useful tool to help them cope. "We understand that there are a great number of people being deployed from Fort Campbell, the 101rst Airborne Division," notes Joslyn. He continues: "We are linking up with Operation Compassion and Chief Warrant Officer LLanos, helping to provide those who are shipping out the military edition of 'The Best of Bible Pathway.'"
Bible Pathway is a daily devotional designed to take the reader through the Bible in one year. The project came into being when a chaplain in Iraq (who has since finished his tour) requested some books from Bible pathway Ministries.
The resulting product is a 6"x9", 496-page, illustrated book with embossed cover containing 366 daily devotional commentaries, maps, charts, and additional helpful information.
According to BPM's Karen Hawkins, "all of the chaplains were trying to encourage the men and women to be in the Word everyday because they're in a very dangerous situation, and they need that protection."
So far, it's been extremely well received. Says Joslyn, "We are in our second printing of the military edition now. We have depleted all of the first edition supplies."
If you'd like to request a copy, go to: http://www.biblepathway.org, or send an email to: [email protected] and type 'Mission Network News Military Bible Pathway' in the subject line.