Bibles can curtail the growth of Islam in Africa

By September 27, 2004

Africa (MNN) — Islam and HIV/AIDS are spreading like wildfire across the African continent. But, fortunately, there is an answer — God’s word.

This fall, the Bible League is focusing its fund raising efforts on feeding the overwhelming spiritual hunger among the people of Africa, and filling an equally profound shortage of Bibles. They’re calling it, “End the Bible Famine: Emergency Relief for Spiritual Hunger’ campaign.

Mike Dworak just returned from Africa. “We have a goal of getting over a half-million Bibles to flood into that area that (is) thirsty for God’s word. The infrastructure is being set up now that we can get Bibles into even these most remote places and to people groups that need them. And, a lot of them are unreached, so we’re talking about both discipleship and evangelism as the goal for this campaign.”

Islam is the fastest growing religion in Africa right now. But, Dworak says believers say God’s Word could change that. “If you’re just telling them what you believe and you can’t show them by giving them a Bible, there’s a real hesitancy to believe it, but if you can leave the Word with them and explain the Word to them they’ll take it and they’re seeing all kinds of Muslims come to Christ.”

Dworak says Scripture also has a profound impact on HIV/AIDS. “Once they get Bibles in there they can start to educate and disciple people so they can see the difference of what God says about moral purity, the sanctity of marriage and monogamous relationships, and how that honors God. Those behaviors stop and they see the stop of the spreading of AIDS in the communities.

$4 can place a Bible in the hands of the African people. “In every situation we’ve heard over and over again, ‘get us God’s Word, because that changes communities because that changes hearts,” says Dworak.

To contribute to the campaign, go to their web site or call toll free in the United States 1-866-825-4636.

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