USA (MNN) — Today will end five months of biking for a team of five riders who will have traveled 8,840 miles on a trip they call the h2o Ride.
Why use 145 days to bike around the United States? For the sense of adventure? To see the scenery?
Those may have been nice incentives, but the group's main reason for traveling is to raise awareness–not to mention funds–for the plight of the thirsty.
"When people find out we've ridden our bikes most of the way around the country, some people are pretty shocked. And that opens the door for us to say, ‘Well you might be pretty shocked to find out that some people have to walk three miles for water that makes them sick,'" says rider Eric Breckinridge.
884 million people lack access to safe drinking water. So the team rode one mile for every 100,000 people in need. On the last day of the ride, the team has raised over $22,000 to help these people through Living Water International (LWI).
LWI will use the funds to build wells in drought-stricken Ethiopia. The wells were needed before, but they are even more vital now as Ethiopians die daily from a two-year drought.
The wells built–like all wells LWI installs–will serve as more than just a place for life-giving, clean water. The wells are also a uniting factor for the church and communities across the country. It's a significant way to open doors for the Gospel, especially as believers drill the well and get the chance to share the love of Christ.
Throughout the last 145 days, the h2o Ride team has raised awareness for this plight and has encircled the nation in prayer. You can welcome them home today by visiting their Web site, h20ride.org, and helping in their cause.