Nigeria (MNN) — In northern Nigeria, there’s still no trace of more than 200 schoolgirls who were kidnapped in April by Boko Haram terrorists. As these Islamic radicals continue their rampage unabated, the outlook for Nigeria seems dire.
But Christian Aid Mission, your link to indigenous missions, shares a reason to rejoice.
Last week, a special committee created to investigate the April abduction submitted their final report. Two months after 276 girls were abducted while taking final exams in Chibok, 57 have escaped and returned home to their families.
The remaining 219 minors have seemingly vanished without a trace. Pray that these missing schoolgirls are found and brought back to their families.
Speaking at the State House on Friday, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan promised to find the girls and stop the Islamic insurgency. Despite help from U.S. military and intelligence personnel, Nigerian officials have yet to locate any kidnapping victims.
Meanwhile, Nigerian missionaries are sharing the Gospel boldly with Boko Haram terrorists. As a result, lives are being saved.
The leader of a Nigerian ministry supported by Christian Aid recently shared this update on their work. Along with providing necessities for refugees, they share the Gospel with Islamic militants who are curious about Christ.
“We were able to give out 45 of ‘The Treasure’ audio Bibles to Muslims who were ready to hear. Some of them assured us we shall hear from them when we come back,” the leader shares in his report. “Pray for one new convert who accepted Christ after listening to the Gospel of John.
“This is a great tool for reaching Muslims.”
However, these indigenous missionaries are not immune to danger. The ministry leader says Boko Haram attacks continue daily.
“We are playing it safe for now,” says the leader. “We have been able to repatriate some people, including children and ex-insurgents who left the rebel group and repented of their crimes. We have been training and feeding them at two of our stations–the School of Missions and our convert care center.”
The ministry leader shares three critical needs on Christian Aid’s Web site. See what they are and how you can help here.
Pray for continued boldness for indigenous missionaries who are sharing God’s Word with insurgents. Pray that more resources will be provided for the Nigerian ministries to share with refugees.
Here’s another ministry that’s sharing the Gospel in audio with Boko Haram terrorists.