Kenya (MNN) — Believe it or not, the world’s largest refugee camp isn’t in Jordan, Lebanon, or even anywhere in Europe. Instead it’s in Kenya, reported the Huffington Post. And this spring, Buckner International will be leading a trip to this African country as part of its Project Go.

(Photo courtesy Ninara via Flickr)
Two groups of college students will take off to Kenya to be the hands and feet of Christ in a region with such immense need. The first group will leave May 30th and the other on July 7th.
Each trip will last a month and will focus on caring for orphans, vulnerable children, and families by offering them a variety of services.
Some options for serving include teaching elementary school classes, helping in the medical clinic, and helping conduct social work visits both in the home and at school.
While in Kenya, participants will have the opportunity to serve at one of three locations. These include the rural locations of Bungoma, Busia, or Kitale. Participants will also be serving on small teams ranging from 3-5 people. The total trip cost is $5,000 per person, which includes a safari excursion.

Elephants at sunrise in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. (Photo courtesy Diana Robinson via Flicker)
This trip is a time for college students to grow in their understanding of who they are in Christ, to trust in Him, and to share His love with others. By the very nature of the trip, students will be serving and loving “the least of these,” while seeing God move in their own lives.
If Kenya isn’t the place God is calling you, check out some of Buckner’s other Project Go trips!
Buckner will also be leading trips here
- Guatemala
- Dominican Republic
- Mexico
- Peru
To find out more about the Kenya trip and others, click here!
To read about previous students’ experiences, click here!