Burkina Faso military takes over

By September 18, 2015
(Map courtesy Wikipedia)

(Map courtesy Wikipedia)

Burkina Faso (MNN) — Burkina Faso is under new management.

The military took to the airwaves yesterday to declare control and name the new head of state, a former aide to ex-President Blaise Compaore.

Brigadier General Gilbert Diendere, a longtime ally of Compaore, said the military staged the coup because the country’s political process was biased.  He promised a dialogue that includes all parties and will lead to elections at a later time.

The coup–the country’s sixth since it won independence from France in 1960–unfolded overnight. Late Wednesday, the country’s interim president and prime minister were arrested at the presidency.

They were so close to anticipated stability. Voters were supposed to elect a new government on 11 October. The transitional government came to power after Compaore, the president of 27 years, was ousted last October over his plan to amend the constitution so he could extend his stay in office.

It wasn’t without blood, though. The military takeover sparked deadly protests when the Presidential Guard fired on demonstrators who had gathered at the presidential palace.

(Photo courtesy Compassion International)

(Photo courtesy Compassion International)

Unrest rattles communities; it rattles families. Compassion International has worked in Burkina Faso since 2004. Their church partners lead the corps in bringing Christ to the communities. So far, that means more than 190 child development centers, working with more than 50,000 children there.

Because the situation is still unfolding, Compassion released this impact statement through spokesman Tim Glenn:

Compassion has temporarily suspended operations at our field office and many of our implementing church partners throughout Burkina Faso, in the wake of the civil unrest in the capital city of Ouagadougou. No Compassion children or staff have been harmed in this situation. The closure of our offices and church partners is a security measure to protect our children and staff. Those offices and churches will remain closed until we deem it is safe for children and staff to return to our program.

Compassion-sponsored children have access to education, medical care, nutritious food, and knowledge of the love of Jesus. Pray for wisdom and safety for the churches and families involved. Pray, too, for a quick return to stability.


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