Chaos Reigns in Liberia.

By September 3, 2003

Liberia (MNN) — We begin today in Liberia where chaos continues to reign as the country attempts to begin anew. World Vision’s Kevin Cook is in Monrovia helping distribute food aid all in the name of Christ.
“Very few non governmental aid agencies including World Vision have ventured out very far from Monrovia. There have been some assessment missions. There are still various factions…rebel factions and government militia and the situation is far from secure.”
Cook says World Vision is uniquely able to share the message of hope. “Well, we’re the largest distributors of food aid in the country. We’ve been distributing thousands of metric tons of maze meal to a quarter million people. In addition, we have distributed hygiene kits, medicines. We’ve opened health clinics in areas where many of these eternally displaced people are living.”
Funding is needed to help with many more of these displaced people. Follow the link above to find out more information.

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