Christian organization raises awareness through World Hunger Sunday

By October 1, 2013

International (MNN) — For many, October is associated with falling leaves, crisp weather, pumpkin-flavored everything, and Halloween. An event of greater spiritual significance also takes place in October.

October 13 is World Hunger Sunday, observed by Baptist Global Response and Southern Baptists throughout the U.S. This day of recognition and awareness started in 1974.

In places of extreme poverty such as numerous villages in India, strides are being made to break the cycle of extreme hunger. The ideal solution for hunger, when put into practice, is long-term and progressive.

One such solution delivers livestock to poor families. Rather than sporadically giving food to hungry families, this program offers a way for families to provide for themselves. They are taught how to care for and raise the animals.

When the livestock have offspring, farmers are encouraged to pay the act forward, giving some of the young animals to another family in need. The process repeats and continues exponentially.

This type of gift can help transform an entire village, and even beyond. Without the help of outside funds, however, these people have no way to begin such a process.

To provide this aid as well as many other effective programs, BGR has resources for churches and individuals across the world to get involved.

Since 2005, Southern Baptists have been raising $4-6 million a year for the cause. Overall, they have given more than $235 million.

The goal of World Hunger Sunday is to raise awareness, collect funds, and recruit volunteers to help hungry people. BGR provides for more than physical needs, however. As they work to improve health for villages through better food and clean water, they also seek to bring knowledge of Jesus Christ. By giving these people hope for a future, a unique gateway is provided to share the gospel.

You can be involved, too. From church-wide events to small group fund-raisers, anyone can participate. Click
to learn more about ways to pray and to help. For downloadable resources
including activities and information to share with others, click here.

Pray that World Hunger Sunday would cause Christians to get involved to make a positive
impact on those in need.

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