Iraq (MNN) — Radical Muslim insurgents are declaring all-out war on what they call the evil principle of democracy. They’re also threatening anyone who follows it. While many Christians are concerned about their future religious freedom, they’re also excited about outreach in the months and possibly years ahead.
Tom Doyle is with E3 Partners. He says Christians say the harvest is great. “Half of the nation of Iraq is under 24 and the young generation [has] definitely gotten frustrated with Islam and is open to the Gospel, very open. So, we’re trying to train and equip as many as we can.”
The EvangeCube is a puzzle-like evangelistic tool used to help tell the Good News of Christ. Doyle says $30 a month can support a national EvangeCube trainer. This support not only provides the training, but also supplies the tools needed to do the work.
Doyle has traveled to the region several times. He says while the news media paints a bleak picture of the situation, he says, “About 80-percent of Iraq is just safe and doing well.”
Many established churches have been targeted with violence. But, Doyle says the evangelical church hasn’t been affected that much. “Many of the believing churches are underground and in homes and don’t have physical structures that they meet in, like the established churches. But, the believers that are meeting in house churches and all around that city are as strong and growing faster than ever.”
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