Taiwan (MNN)–Book of Hope had their first-ever Hope Celebration in Taipei. It was there that the book, combining the Gospels, was enthusiastically received by government dignitaries. In a private audience, BOH personnel met with the Minister of Education, Chengsen Du and Judicial Chairman, Yuan Cheng, in their chambers.
The chief justice made plain the value of the Scriptures, saying, “We have the harshest anti-drug laws in the world, and yet our prisons are full of our beautiful young people. In spite of having everything prosperity can bring, there’s an emptiness that drives them to drugs.”
In the two subsequent celebrations held in the cities of Tainan and Kaohsiung, there was a similar response. Those in attendance included the mayor of Tainan as well as the minister of education. Other people of influence included missionaries, pastors, the head of Prison Fellowship, as well as five foundations.
Officials went on record explaining the need for the Book of Hope in the schools of Taiwan. Ministry Founder Bob Hoskins challenged the people of Taiwan to take the Gospel back to the China mainland.
Their enthusiastic response indicated a promise of action built on the groundwork begun in December 2004.