Philippines (MNN) — After returning from a three-week trip to the Philippines, 17 Nomads can say they helped distribute 160,000 Books of Hope.
The Nomads' internship program to the Philippines included students between the ages of 13 and 21. They spent every day in classrooms distributing the Book of Hope. Some classes were especially open to their message. "The teachers would allow us to have liberty and be able to extend and give a salvation message right there. We saw many, many classrooms where the students would all bow their heads and pray at the end of our presentations," said Matt Woody, a leader on the trip.
With a goal of distributing 4.7 million Books of Hope in the country, the Nomads were able to accomplish a portion of that.
"There's no reason for us to go in and hand out God's Word to the kids and then leave," said Woody. By partnering with local churches, they are able to leave the kids with a connection to the message they receive.
According to Woody, the kids are not the only ones who get the message of the Gospel. "Usually the books are read by more than those kids. The books are usually read by brothers
and sisters, and aunts and uncles, and other relatives."
Through the sharing of the children with their own families and friends, Book of Hope anticipates church growth in the area. "We want to see the churches growing through more students and more young people coming to Christ."
Woody says, "There are also other church groups operating in some of those areas that are not real pleased with the work that we do there, so pray for God's favor–to be able to go into all the schools and to be able to reach all the children."