World (MNN) — Only five-to-ten percent of pastoral leaders in developing nations have any formal training for the ministry. Global Advance is trying to increase that number by holding conferences to train and equip nationals to fulfill the great commission.
Shibley says the 10/40 Window is still a concern as training is almost non-existent. “We take training to them. Obviously we can’t give them a Bible school education in a single conference, but we can help them in church growth and becoming a missionary sending church.”
Even though the conferences can be extremely expensive, spokesman David Shibley says the nearly $30,000 cost, it’s worth it. “We believe it’s still a very cost effective investment because of this multiplication effect where once you put that vision in a pastoral leader, that is multiplied not only to his congregation but beyond him to those who he will train.
The next Frontline Shepherd’s Conference will be held in a restricted country where underground church leaders long for encouragement and a vision. As more people come to Christ in these nations, Shibley believes that the world evangelization process will also change. “If the Lord tarries his coming in the next few years I believe that we?re going to see some very exciting surprises from the hand of the Lord as to who will really be leading the charge for fulfilling the great commission.”
Pray for Global Advance as more training is planned abroad.