Containers with shoes bound for Russia are without shipping funds.

By September 27, 2004

Russia(MNN) — While thousands of shoes are on their way to needy orphans worldwide, containers bound for Russia are on hold.

Buckner Orphan Care‘s “Shoes for Needy Souls” program has seen tremendous response. The good news is this year, the US government helped Buckner expand into Iraq and Afghanistan, where orphans are in desperate need.

The bad news is that the US government has cut back the usual free overseas shipping to Russia, leaving Buckner Orphan Care in a tight spot.

Buckner’s Tiffany Taylor says, “We have three containers full of shoes; each container has over 10-thousand pairs of new shoes on it. And right now, we’re just in need of prayers, and thoughts about the fact that we have got to raise the funds to ship these containers now. We need about an additional 15-thousand dollars; it’s 5-thousand dollars per container to get it overseas.”

The shoes are a door to get into orphanages and tell about the Heavenly Father. It is urgent to get the shoes overseas so teams are able to use that bridge for the Gospel. Pray for Buckner teams who are getting ready for the special shoe trips.

Taylor says, “It’s just so important that we get the shoes over there, that people pray that they safely arrive, that they get through customs, that the funds come in for the additional shipping, so that these teams will be able to kneel in front of these children and tell them about their heavenly Father.”

If you would like to help with funding to ship the containers to Russia or be a part of a Shoes for Orphan Souls trip, contact Buckner Orphan Care.

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