Brazil (MNN) — Brazil has become a global COVID-19 hotspot. The country currently averages over 75,000 new cases every day. Hospitals are overflowing; many have run out of oxygen for very ill patients. Surrounding nations have cut off travel to and from Brazil.
This tragedy has touched the Christian community as well, says Sammy Tippit of Sammy Tippit Ministries. “They’re going through a tough time. They’ve had a number of leaders who have died from COVID, and a lot of people in churches have died from COVID. And they don’t have the vaccine. I think a very, very small percentage of people have the vaccine. They’ve got a variant coming out. What we have here, they have the same thing there, except it looks like it’s gonna be a lot longer before they get it under control.”
Praying for revival
Tippit describes the frustration and grief of Brazilian Christians who watch the current devastation with no end in sight. In response, they asked Tippit to speak at a virtual conference focusing on discipleship, revival, and suffering.
Tippit says 10,000 people viewed the conference on the first night. “Join me in praying for this. Pray the suffering that we’re going through worldwide, and especially that the people of Brazil are experiencing right now, would not be in vain. Pray it wouldn’t be just something that goes through and leaves a lot of people dead and that’s it. But through that, we want to see God take it and use it for His glory. Pray a great revival would take place among God’s people.”
The header photo shows a COVID-19 patient in São Paulo, Brazil. (Photo courtesy of Governo do Estado de São Paulo, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons)