Days of opportunity present themselves for ministry in Iraq.

By October 23, 2003

Iraq (MNN)–These are days of opportunity in the Turkish world.

Hope Builders’ International reports there are teams going into Iraq to minister among Turkish people there. Though still high security, early reports indicate good things are happening and that the church is developing.

In light of such progress, prayer support is all the more critical. Hope Builders’ works through local discipleship, national partnerships and international support of indigenous mission activity.

Middle Eastern Christians face persecution from all sides. In Israel they are oppressed by both Muslims and Jews. In Jordan, Iraq and Egypt they are oppressed by Islamic fundamentalists intent on suppressing their growth. In countries like Saudi Arabia they are not allowed to meet openly and in Syria they are harshly persecuted.

There are several ways that the people of Iraq can receive practical assistance. One is to support those agencies working with Iraqi refugees in neighboring countries.

The steady stream of those escaping Iraq has reached unprecedented levels. More than one million Iraqi Christians have fled the country. Many of them languish in camps in Jordan. They would return to Iraq immediately if the country were free.

In the meantime they need help to survive. A gift of $50 will provide food and other necessities for a family of four.
Aid is being hand carried into Iraq for destitute families by Christians in neighboring countries. At great risk, food, clothing and medical supplies for the poorest families are distributed by caring Christian friends.

Gifts given through Hope Builders International will make a huge difference in both providing needed supplies and bringing hope to those who endure hardship. This often opens the door for more evangelistic ministry.

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