“Do Justice, Love Mercy” at Bethlehem Bible College conference

By May 22, 2024

Palestine (MNN) — This week, an international conference in the West Bank is offering Christians a space to talk about biblical justice and mercy. 

Organized by Bethlehem Bible College and led by Palestinian Christians, the biannual conference “Christ at the Checkpoint” has gathered believers from many contexts since 2010. 

But this year it has looked a bit different. Bethlehem Bible College’s president, Reverend Dr. Jack Sara, says, “When the war broke out, of course, we had no clue if we will be able to do it. Only recently, international flights started flying into Tel Aviv and surrounding airports.” 

The team soon realized that the Israel-Hamas war wasn’t going to end quickly.

People gathered to hear the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference at BBC in recent years. (Photo courtesy of the Bethlehem Bible College on Facebook)

“We said, ‘Let’s do it anyway — and maybe we can invite people that are not just participating in a conference, but come here in solidarity, in encouragement and to listen to our voices in such a time like this where is [most] needed,’” Sara says. 

The staff was surprised by how many people joined. 

“We said, ‘If we have 40 coming, we’ll do it. If we have 50 coming, we will do it.’ The number is quadruple that,” Sara says.

Would you come alongside this conference in prayer this week? Ask God to resolve any remaining travel issues for those attending. Pray for God’s guidance for these brothers and sisters in pursuing justice and loving mercy in all contexts (Micah 6:8). Pray for peace in the Middle East.

“It’s really amazing to see international leaders, pastors, leaders of huge organizations, participating. Some of them are speaking, but many of them are just coming to learn. That’s a humbling attitude, to be honest with you. God surprised us with such a response,” Sara says. 

Learn more about the mission and vision of Bethlehem Bible College here. 




Header photo of Bethlehem Bible College, courtesy of Bethlehem Bible College.

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