Tanzania (MNN) — Church leaders in Tanzania wanted to create a
Bible school inside the country where they could raise up highly trained
leaders, both academically and theologically, to meet specific needs within the
That's when the Nassa
Theological College was born. 22
years later, they're seeing exciting growth. In its first year, the NTC had eight students and four teachers, as well as big hopes for the development of the church and nation.
Their campus is roughly
sixty miles east from Mwanza by the shores of Lake Victoria. It's sponsored by the Africa Inland Church
of Tanzania [AIC (T)] for the training of those who will be leaders. AIC (T)
also welcomes prospective students from other evangelical churches.
For those who have the desire and ability, but not the
funding, there's a little help available.
Sheila Dilworth, one of the school's co-founders, says God has provided
some student scholarships for needy Nassa Theological College students.
The school trains future church leaders. Third-year students are getting ready to
leave for Term-Out May-July, going to outreach areas and learning about
different cultures and religions. There's also an alumni seminar coming up in July.
Pray for revival and new life in the church,
with a deepening understanding of all that God would desire to see in His
people in Tanzania.
Pray, too, for Sheila. She is still active in serving at the school and also as unit leader for
Tanzania West.