International (JFP/MNN) — In just a couple of weeks, the JESUS Film Project ministry plans to launch "The Next Revolution."
More than a new marketing technique, this unveiling is really about expanding global horizons through a new Digital Media Internet platform application (app). This medium will enable portions of films, or the films in their entirety, to be downloadable to any computer or mobile device such as smartphones and similar devices, anywhere in the world, at any time.
That means tens of millions of people in closed nations will be able to see and hear the Gospel on their smartphones or video-enabled devices in their heart language–no matter where they live or how dangerous it may be for Christians there.
The app also allows people to link anyone to the app through Facebook, a blog, or a Tweet with Twitter.
When told about this powerful tool, a pastor in East Asia eagerly planned to use it to reach foreign medical students studying in his city. He said the app could also help reach foreign businessmen from that same restricted country.
Pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and believers across the globe await this revolutionary platform to catapult their work of proclaiming Christ to a new level.
Pray for users of this new app to leverage it in sharing the Gospel with others. Pray that people accessing the Web site will be able to quickly and easily find what they're looking for, and that they'll benefit from it. Pray for missionaries, partnering ministries, and other believers who will be able to share a vast library of content aimed at helping them to proclaim the Gospel.