Fire destroyed slum neighborhood two days after children’s Bible Study started

By January 9, 2008

India (MNN) — Just two days after a Children's Bible Club began in a slum in Hyderabad, India, a fire broke out. 

Mission India reported that the fire destroyed an area where 5,000 families lived in lean-to shelters. It is considered the third-largest slum in Asia. The fire left the new Children's Bible Club's nearly 200 children homeless.

Pastor Naik, who started the Bible club, said that government aid was meager. Each family received a bag of rice. Families are not even able to rebuild for certain, since they are squatters on private land. They have few personal belongings after fleeing from the fires. 

The slum is surrounded by many Hindu temples and four Muslim mosques. Pastor Naik has led a successful ministry there with several years of Children's Bible Clubs already completed.

Mission India has staff in the area who are helping Pastor Naik distribute clothing and food.

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