International (MNN) – FMI ministry partners in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Pakistan are out of Bibles. However, FMI’s Bruce Allen says this is a good problem.
“Our partners are doing a great job in both evangelism and discipleship. The Bibles are used in both of those aspects. The fact that they have run out of all their inventory just means they’re doing their job,” he shares.
Allen frequently encounters American Christians who own nine bibles on average, including their phone apps. However, overseas, it is often one Bible for nine people. Despite the stretch, these shared Bibles are having an impact.
The Power of a Bible
“One of the last Bibles that Pastor Adam distributed in Pakistan went to a man named Sadaqat…. He took that Bible back to his home, and eight other people since then…have also received Christ as their Savior. They placed their faith in Jesus Christ. So, people are sharing this one Bible, reading it voraciously, eating it up,” Allen says.
Pastor Adam met Sadaqat, a 60-year-old Afghani man, in a restaurant. During his travels, he stopped at this restaurant for a cup of coffee but it was packed. The only seat open was across from Sadaqat.
Heartache for Unconditional Love
Sadaqat’s eyes were filled with tears when they met. He had just returned from burying his father, whom he called the love of his life, in Afghanistan.
“He was very sad, depressed at that because the father-son relationship in those cultures is so strong and Sadaqat was mourning the loss of this person who was literally the love of his life. Marriages there aren’t necessarily built on romance. Often they’re arranged marriages. But, the bond between father and son is huge,” Allen explains.
Sadaqat shared with Pastor Adam how he yearned for a love which could transcend any circumstance, a love which cannot be shaken by the highs and lows of life, a love that is unmovable.
At the Lord’s prompting, Pastor Adam shared Romans 8:38-39.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (NIV)
“Sadaqat said, ‘These are such beautiful words. Where do you know these from?’ Pastor Adam was able to give him a Bible and Sadaqat received it gratefully. He began to kiss it. ‘I am so eager to read this.’” Allen shares.
Through the course of seven different meetings, Sadaqat came to Christ and immediately began sharing his new faith with others. Now, his Bible has helped eight people find their faith in Christ. Imagine how many more people could be impacted by God’s Word once more Bibles are provided.
How to Help
The cost to provide a Bible for FMI’s partners — from printing to distribution — is about the same as a Pumpkin Spice Latte. For $6, you can help impact nine people with God’s Word.
FMI prints Bibles in the local languages. Since the literacy rate can be low in these countries, FMI also produces Scriptures on audio CD; so regardless, people have access to God’s Word. A companion CD is also available, which answers common questions Muslims have about the Christian faith and includes a set of Muslim-background believers’ testimonies.
Will you consider giving to provide a Bible in either Bangladesh, Indonesia, or Pakistan?
Give to FMI’s tangible resources account for Bibles here!*
Also, pray. Ask God to continue moving in these three countries. Pray for the resources to produce more Bibles and that people would continue to be impacted by the Word of God.
(Header photo courtesy of Olga Caprotti via Flickr)
*To designate your gift for Bibles only, email FMI here with a note specifying “for Bibles”.