Global Advance issues a passionate plea for Christians to be involved in missions.

By September 13, 2004

USA (MNN)–And finally, Global Advance is challenging Christians around the world to act on the vision to fulfill the Great Commission.

GAM’s David Shibley says that’s what drove him to pen his thoughts in “A Force in the Earth”–a desire to see a new generation of believers being strengthened in their faith and developing a passion for missions.

Influenced by inspiring missionaries and missions books of the past, Shibley sought to update in today’s language that same plea for a passion for souls.

Shibley says, “God’s overarching passion is to ensure that His Son is known and followed by all of the peoples of the earth. And when we align our hearts with the heart of God, suddenly all of the loose ends of the Christian life begin to gel into this singular purpose of the glory of God and the extension of His love and the Gospel to the ends of the earth.”

The book serves as a “textbook” for the role of the church in global missions. Many Bible colleges and seminaries are using the book in their missions curriculum. It has been a tremendous blessing to missionaries and is a useful tool for anyone interested in missions.

Shibley hopes believers awaken to what God is doing in the world today: “This is the hour for world evangelization, and if we hear what the Spirit is saying to the church today, we’ll certainly respond and become a force in the earth.”

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