International (MNN) — Are you passionate about sharing Christ with unreached people, but don’t feel called to leave your life behind?
You don’t have to travel the globe to influence nations for Christ. You can have plenty of impact by coming alongside those who do.

(Photo courtesy of WMP)
Partnering with organizations like World Missionary Press is one way to make a difference. By joining World Missionary Press’s Ambassador Network, you can support the efforts of those bringing Gospel literature all around the world.
“You have 48-page topical Scripture booklets that are extremely Christocentric [and] point people straight to Jesus without a denominational or a dogmatic emphasis,” Ambassador Network Coordinator Joe Chadburn says. “People don’t have time. If they’re on their way to commit suicide or something, they don’t have time to read through Leviticus or navigate their way through the Bible, or even sometimes through the New Testament.”
World Missionary Press produces a variety of Scripture-by-subject booklets in over 340 languages, as well as Bible study booklets and New Testaments in numerous languages. It produces over seven million booklets at five cents apiece each month and has delivered them to over 210 nations and islands.
“We’re starting out in the United States; however, we are branching out some for those who have the technology and want to share the information that’s going on,” Chadburn says. “But basically, people can serve as liaisons between World Missionary Press and their local assembly.”
There are many ways you can do this. World Missionary Press produces a variety of videos and photos churches can use to promote the ministry. You can also raise awareness through social media or by distributing the booklets yourself.
“It really stirs up [people’s] faith when they see what is happening around the world, knowing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever…. He’s here, He’s alive and well, He dwells within them,” Chadburn shares.

“During 28 years I’ve distributed thousands of tracts, and I have the privilege to guide the feet of Christ to hundreds or thousands peoples. So I am very happy.” –Walter
(Photo, quote courtesy of WMP)
“And sometimes getting outside of the American paradigm where we all have Bibles — we have Bibles on our phones, multiple Bibles on our electronic devices and such — we’re kind of spoiled in that way. There’s people around the world, pastors who will be tearing these Scripture booklets in half and sharing them with different villages and then swapping with another pastor just to minister from the other part of that book.”
The fruit of their work is evident. In some cases, these booklets are saving lives.
“One of our testimonies was in Nigeria,” Chadburn says. “There was a man on his way to commit suicide, to hang himself on a tree, and someone gave him a Scripture booklet. He received the Lord’s love and acceptance right then and there. And then he went on to be very, very influential with his family and in his village.”
Interested in how you can help World Missionary Press continue influencing lives with the Gospel? As a World Missionary Press Ambassador, you can raise awareness for the ministry without leaving your hometown.
Click here to join the Ambassador Network.
I would like to participate in your Ambassador Network as i am able.
Thank you for your willingness to participate in the Ambassador Network. You can fill out the application to join at this website: http://www.wmpambassadors.org/application.html