Iran (MNN) — If you grew up in the Western world, you’ve probably heard about Vacation Bible Schools and possibly been part of one yourself. But have you ever attended a virtual Sunday School? A growing number of kids in Iran today have.
As an Islamic nation, Iran has very few Christian resources for children. That’s why Heart4Iran’s virtual Sunday Schools are meeting such a deep need among Iranian kids.
Jennifer* is the manager of Heart4Iran’s Superbook Farsi program. She explains that each hour-long Sunday School outreach has two parts. The first 30 minutes are a TV broadcast of Superbook (a Bible-based kids’ TV series) supported by additional content.

The host of the virtual Sunday School program, also an Iranian believer from a Muslim background, came to Christ through Heart4Iran’s Mohabat TV.
(Photo courtesy of Heart4Iran)
“We have Academy videos — Bible background that are very helpful in understanding the history of the Bible story. [We have] Signpost videos [on] how, for example, the Daniel story relates to Jesus and how it relates to our life today.”
After that first half hour, kids then get to interact with other Christians.
“We go live for 30 minutes on social media — Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram — to worship. We [also] talk about the topic of that day’s program, and then do the craft related [to the program],” Jennifer says. “We have a lot of [responses] through that. It’s exciting!”
You can help change kids’ lives with Heart4Iran through Superbook and virtual Sunday schools by prayer and support.
“Pray for God’s transformational touch through this program (Superbook), reaching out to save all children, particularly those in Iran,” says Jennifer.
“I always say one day, if I go to heaven and only five kids come to me and say ‘I came to Christ through Superbook,’ I’m like, [it’s] worth all the hassle and everything [involved in this work] — even just five, even just one, right? It’s worth it!”
Visit www.heart4iran.com to learn more and support ministries like virtual Sunday School with Heart4Iran.
*Name withheld for security reasons.
Header photo courtesy of Heart4Iran.