Hygiene critical for survival in rural India

By July 13, 2007

India (MNN) — Only 30-percent of people have access to clean water in rural areas of India.  Mahasamund district is three hours outside of Raipur, India where Living Water International helped villages in mid-May. 

LWI installed 10 wells in 10 different villages earlier this year. During that time they also gathered 24 local people for training in hygiene and sanitation. Many of the students had the same reason for attending. They said, "I'm here so I can help my family, my village, my people live healthier lives."

Now that they have been trained, they are sharing what they learned in their respective villages. They are also open to receive training for further improvements that
need to be made. LWI  hopes this will decrease the number of sicknesses and improve general health. 

The people of these villages live everyday in a struggle to survive. Children often cannot even attend the below-standard schools because they must stay home to work. 

Though most of the trainees were Hindu, they were able to see God's love in action at the training classes and local projects that are currently underway.    

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