International (MNN) — In the United States, daylight savings this Sunday means an extra hour of sleep. But, what if instead of sleeping in, we prayed for persecuted Christians? After all, this Sunday is also the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted Church.
FMI’s Work with Persecuted Christians
FMI works in the world’s three largest Muslim dominate countries; Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Pakistan, where Christian persecution is severe. Each of these countries is listed on Open Doors USA’s World Watch List* (WWL).
In fact, FMI knows of a very strategically placed and highly influential co-laborer for the Gospel of Jesus Christ inside Pakistan has been charged with blasphemy. Oftentimes the Pakistan’s blasphemy law is used to persecute Christians. Learn more about Pakistan’s blasphemy law and this Pakistani Christian’s charges here!
Will you also pray for the Christians serving in these countries? If you’re not quite sure how to pray, follow along with FMI’s Bruce Allen’s prayer below.
Pray with FMI
“Lord Jesus, the earth is yours and the fullness of it. So even these places where there is darkness, where people are abusing your children, these are still your places.
“And we claim your sovereignty over those places. We pray that your light breaks through in magnificent ways. Even to give encouragement to people as they’re going through difficult times.
“Whether they’re in a prison and feeling lonely and abandoned. Or, whether they’re facing persecution out in the community from employers or their own family members, we pray for their ability to continue living the life that you want them to live in these places. That they would see you as a good Father. Someone who gives them bread and not stones when bread is what they need.
“We pray for you to give them the peace that passes any understanding, not just so that they can be at ease in the difficult situation, but so that those who have their eyes on those Christians will see that peace and it will strike a chord of curiosity.
“And as I have seen you work in families in some of these situations, that those that have even been doing the persecution will be convicted by that light, by that peace, by that hope. And they will come to place their faith in you as well. It’s in your great name we pray, and for the sake of your kingdom, Amen.”
More Ways to Get Involved
Please also pray for the Pakistani Christian facing a blasphemy charge. Pray for God’s hand in the court process, for the judge to dismiss all charges against this man, and for the protection and encouragement of both him and his family. Learn more about his story here!
For more ways to pray with FMI, click here!
Learn more about International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians here!
* The WWL lists the top 50 countries where Christian persecution is most severe.