International (MNN) — Do you ever wonder whose voice is used for audio Bible recordings? Faith Comes By Hearing is introducing a new program called Virtual Recording. This program will allow people from all over the world–including YOU–to voice God's Word.
"It simply is an online presence where people can actually be a part of a recording process. All they need is a computer, a microphone, and an internet connection," says Bill Lohr from FCBH. "Now we can reach out to all speakers of the language we are trying to record, and we can have them participate right from the safety of their home."
Faith Comes By Hearing has done immense testing on the program before making it public. One factor they tested was if high quality sounds could be recorded with any equipment. They bought low grade microphones and went into noisy areas to test out the sound quality. Lohr said they "can take out those other noises in the background. That's the nice thing about digital. We can clean it up. "
Virtual Recording is the next step in recording technology. Jerry Jackson, FCBH founder and president, sees this as a way to get increased speed in completing recordings, greater participation, as well as increased safety for all participants.
Before Virtual Recording, FCBH would go into the field where a language was spoken and make recordings in the field. They are not eliminating this way of recording, but they feel that Virtual Recording will be a safer, more efficient way of recording.
To participate, an audition is needed. The Web site for auditioning is virtualrecording.com. Lohr explains, "Somebody submits an audition, we listen to those voices…and we'll decide what parts they play. We'll give that to the person; they will have just those lines submitted in their area on the Virtual Recording Web site."
One project that has been started on this Web site is The World English Bible. "We have an English project that's being worked on right now," Lohr says. "We want to let–particularly here in America and those who speak English–how the system works and how they can participate."
You can submit your audition online and help finish The World English Bible. Lohr encourages everyone to "take a look at the Web site. See it for yourself. See how it works. Be a part of it."
Pray that many people will participate in Virtual Recording and that many will be reached with the Good News through this new program.
"Just imagine: you are connecting and you a part of a worldwide project that's getting God's Word out to everyone in the world," Lohr states.