Thailand (MNN) — It’s been a little more than three weeks since the tsunami hit 11 countries in Asia, and Christians are reporting positive responses to the Gospel. Enok Sirikul (SEER-ee-KOOL) is with Campus Crusade for Christ, Thailand and heads up the Jesus Film Project there. Sirikul says they sent 250 students and staff from Bangkok to minister in the region.
Sirikul says they were first able to be a witness to the Thai military heading up the relief efforts. He says they volunteered to do whatever the military wanted them to do. “They asked us to help build shelters for the victims, and then we built the bathrooms, we helped with cooking, we helped to set up the information system, (and) we helped to organize the warehouse.”
However, the real ministry happened as they talked to the victims. Sirikul says, “We just listened to their stories. We just mentioned a little bit about how God loves them and (can) give them a new hope. And, we just asked if we could pray for them. They accepted our prayer and the next day when we came back they were very open.”
Sirikul says many people came to Christ, including his driver whose family escaped the tsunami. Sirikul told us his driver wanted to know the God who saved his family.
The Jesus Film is planning a major video distribution in the region, but not just for the victims. “I think that we can take this opportunity to distribute the Jesus Film to every home down to the south because they are now more open and we feel at this time they need comfort because they lost a lot of people.”
That means providing the story of Christ to more than three million people. Funding is needed to make this happen.
Pray for the film teams as they continue helping the victims. A team of 200 Thai believers are heading back to the region again next week. Pray that their testimony will be powerful and that many will turn to Christ.