Men For Missions looks at sharing their Haiti concepts in other countries.

By January 13, 2005

Haiti (MNN)–In spite of war, natural disaster, and poverty, a group of men launched a plan to reach Haiti for Christ through thousands of small, fix-tuned, solar-powered radios. They also saw the beginnings of Christian radio stations and new ministry.

Seeing that through to completion was a goal of Men For Missions’ Warren Hardig. “Our ‘Operation Saturation’ officially ended, December 31. But, we’re going to continue working in Haiti, with radio distribution, and complete two downlink stations that we didn’t get done during ‘Operation Saturation’.”

Radio 4VEH “the Evangelistic Voice of Haiti” was founded in 1950 by the Rev G.T. Bustin of the East and West Indies Bible Mission.

In 1958, control of Radio 4VEH was transferred to OMS International. Today, Radio 4VEH continues to broadcast the Good News to the island nation of Haiti in Creole, French, and English.

On AM 840 , FM 107.1 and FM 94.7, listeners find a wide variety of Christian broadcasts including: discussions, drama, Scripture reading, prayer, preaching, along with news, sports, health, agriculture and literacy.

Radio 4VEH broadcasts reach an estimated 350,000 people of all ages and levels in Haitian society. That makes it ideal for the fix-tuned radios MFM wants to place.

Men For Missions is the laymen’s voice of OMS International. Hardig says the radio project hinged on a ‘circle of 8’ prayer strategy.

In Exodus 17, Moses, Aaron, and Hur were engaging and defeating the enemy. The Exodus account suggests that this trio, on the high ground overlooking the battlefield, was the real power behind Joshua’s army below. Moses, his arms lifted toward heaven in an apparent attitude of intercession, was focused on Joshua and his army. While his arms were raised, Joshua prevailed. When his arms grew heavy and began to droop, the enemy prevailed. That’s when two friends, Aaron and Hur, came along side and focused their attention on Moses, holding up his arms, while he continued to focus on Joshua and the battle at hand. This account is the basis of Circles of 8.

In Haiti there are nine administrative districts. Nine men have volunteered, one for each distrct, to be as Moses. They are the key person for strategic intercession for each district. Then for each strategic intercessor are circles of prayer warriors supporting each intercessor of each district. Of the 8 in the Circle, four will focus on Haiti, the other four will hold up in prayer those praying for Haiti. When intercessors go on the attack, we can expect counter attacks. So, while four pray for Haiti, four others will be praying for their protection, families, work, while praying also for their area of Haiti.

The combination of the prayer initiative and the radio placement was so strong that Hardig says they want to expand the territory. “We want to take ‘Operation Saturation’ from Haiti to ‘Operation Saturation’ for the world. We’re wanting to get prayer champions for every one of the OMS fields where we’re working and our ‘Every Community for Christ’, where that’s working, which is a total of 42 countries.”

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