Nigeria (MNN) — In a large ministry outreach in Nigeria, over 900 people came to faith in Jesus Christ. Although the ministry was overjoyed at the result, they were discouraged by the minimal number of Bibles they were able to distribute.
But with the help of one church in Virginia and Bible Pathways Ministries, these Nigerian believers should have more than enough to get started.
Bible Pathways works to distribute Bibles and daily devotionals across the globe to allow every person they come in contact with to have a copy of the Scriptures. For these new Nigerian believers, Bible Pathways will provide the Bibles and other literature for the church in Virginia, who will then ship them to overseas.
Not surprisingly for a US based ministry right now, finances are a bit of a problem. "The devil is really trying hard to stop United States ministries from sending anything to do with the Gospel," says Bible Pathways' Ken Sharp about financial troubles.
As a result, Bible Pathways is asking for a little help in their endeavors. "We're putting out a call for a truck or a truck line that would come and maybe be able to work with us in taking the Bibles and Bible Pathways from here in Tennessee to Virginia. So we're asking any trucker or truck line that might like to help in this to give us a call," says Sharp.
Despite their needs, Bible Pathways still invites any other ministries needing to send containers overseas to join them and save on finances. This kind of collaboration is important during so much recession and is a prime example of a desire for unity in the body of Christ. If you or someone you know can help Bible Pathways deliver these Bibles to Virginia, click here and contact them soon.