Ministry seeks long-term strategy, refugees face increasing danger, and brave Muslims speak out

By August 25, 2014

Iraq (EFCA/MNN) — There are Muslims speaking against the Islamic State in defense of Christians even while their neighbors rally in support of the IS.

These brave Muslims are being killed because of it. The Barnabas Fund shares their stories and the growing plight refugees and displaced people are facing elsewhere, saying more than 1.2 million Iraqis have been driven from their homes.

EFCA ReachGlobal Crisis Response shares the following news story on what their ministry is doing this week to help in the face of this violence and suffering:


Image by ReachGlobal

(Image by ReachGlobal)

We in the U.S. have watched tragedy unfold as Christians fled by car and even on foot before the Islamic State arrived in their villages.

We asked in anguish, “What can we do?”

This week, ReachGlobal’s Middle East/North Africa division and crisis response leaders will meet with local partners to develop a long-term strategy for serving the tens of thousands of displaced peoples.

Support these efforts by giving now.

Local believers opened their homes and churches to provide shelter but soon were overflowing into parking lots and sidewalks. The unthinkable then became reality: Mosul fell to the IS as the Kurdish Peshmerga fighters retreated.

Set apart for the Nazerene

We have heard of the homes and businesses of Mosul Christians marked with the Arabic letter I (a derogatory reference to Nazerene) to subject them to a list of impossible choices: pay an extortionately large ransom/tax for protection (jizya), convert to Islam, flee, or die.

For most, the answer was flee, with only what they could hurriedly pack in a car. For those who were slow to leave, everything they carried was confiscated. There were yet others–handicapped, elderly, and their caretakers–who had no choice but to stay and face death.

One woman spoke of the fear of facing ISIS at a checkpoint as her family left Mosul. ISIS took away their extra clothes, their money and gold. She was terrified for her 17-year-old daughter, afraid they might take her and hurt her. But God was merciful, and they seemed to not take notice. Soon, masses had gathered with a shared story, but many with a different hope.

It wasn’t just Assyrian and Chaldean Christians, but also other minorities such as Turkmen and Yazidis, literally unreached people who have never heard the Gospel of the risen Christ.

Teams have brought clean drinking water as well as tanks of water for bathing and washing. They also provided food baskets and a small amount of money for basic needs, in Jesus’ name.

The need became known to the Western church, and donations began to arrive. This enabled local Christians in Erbil to purchase mattresses, drinking water, and food baskets. They then went to meet the refugees on the way to Erbil, to give them hope on their journey.

However, the needs continue to expand with the sheer volume of displaced people. People need medication, glasses, clothing, and shelter from the blazing sun.

This week, the temperatures in Erbil will hit 119 degrees. The majority of internally displaced persons, our brothers and sisters in Christ, are still without permanent shelter, food, and water.

Support this work financially here. Pray for God’s guidance as ReachGlobal meets to discuss possibilities to help.


  • I feel so helpless sitting thousands of miles away, but I believe in the power of prayer and will stand united with my fellow brothers and sisters against these violent crimes committed against the innocent.

  • Pat Byrne says:

    Lizelle is right; we DO feel helpless, but we are not. We have prayer, and the promise of God that He will right every wrong. The wicked WILL be brought down and punished. (Psalms)

  • Elizabeth says:

    I concur with both of you… and we remember that “when I am weak then, I am strong” for Jesus says “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made PERFECT in your weakness (caps mine). We, like in the Bible story of the friends who lifted their broken friend down through the roof while Jesus preached, lift them down to Jesus, who dwells with those who are broken. We have faith for them and they heal. Amen.

  • Alet says:

    Dear Lord, I can only pray but I know that when we pray we shake the foundation of heaven and you will answer. Heavenly Father, I know that you are in control. please change the hearts and minds of these extremists, Amen.

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