Mexico (MNN) — Last summer, a mission team from Texas brought
the Word of God to prisoners in Arcelia, Mexico. They're returning to the town
on another missions trip to distribute Spanish New Testaments to new believers
and orphans. Published by World Bible Translation Center, La Palabra de Dios Para Todos (The Word of God for All) is the
version that the group handed out on their last trip and will be distributing
this time, as well. WBTC provided this translation for those in Latin America
who seek to read the Word of God in their own language.
WBTC has multiple approaches to accomplishing this goal.
Jalisco evangelists are using the Easy-to-Read version to spread God's love
throughout Mexico, and home churches are also being planted throughout Cuba.
These churches have between 10 and 40 people meeting at each home and have
become popular because they offer an alternative to the government-controlled
church. WBTC also works with the Cuban National Council of Churches to
distribute their ERV to its member churches that provide them to their
If you'd like to learn more about WBTC's work in Latin
America or donate to their efforts, click here.