Mission teams see growth and encouraging success in Ukraine.

By November 2, 2004

Ukraine (MNN)–The legacy of state control has been difficult for Ukraine to throw off.

Where state control has disolved, corruption and violence has filled the resulting vacuum, stalling efforts at economic reform, privatization, and civil and religious liberties.

However, Greater Europe Mission is celebrating what God is doing through nearly a decade of work in the Ukraine. It’s is a key state, a spiritual bridge between east and west, Orthodox and Catholic.

In 1995, GEM began their ministry by opening a Bible College. Since then, more than 500 people have been trained and graduated and are serving God throughout the Russian-speaking world.

Recent reports indicate that the LifeQuality outreach to businesspeople and professionals drew 74 attendees in Ukraine, mostly unbelievers.

And eDOT, a distance-learning program, has grown to include eight eLearning Centers.

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