Missionaries find ways to introduce the Gospel to a tribe.

By May 26, 2005

Papua New Guinea (MNN)–Learning Ma, the language of the Mibu (mee-boo) tribe in Papua New Guinea, makes missionaries less threatening.

Two couples serving as New Tribes missionaries are learning the culture and language to help them build relationships with the Mibus, with the goal of one day clearly presenting the Gospel to them.

In addition to learning the language, New Tribes literacy consultants helped the missionary team construct four primers for their first literacy class that will begin in July.

From there, it will be possible to teach them to read the Gospel. The Mibu people are excited at the prospects of learning to read and write their own language. Pray the team will be able to finish the materials needed for their July goal.

Pray for perseverance, clear minds and a sense of humor for the team as they learn the Mibu culture and language.

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