India (MNN) — We talked yesterday about the need for church planting in India where 98% of the nation’s 1.4 billion people do not follow Jesus Christ.
Today, we are sharing Naveen’s* story — a woman who had never heard the Gospel, and went from being a despairing wife to joyfully training as a Church Planter with Mission India!
Bartholomew* with Mission India shares, “Tragedy took place in [Naveen’s] life when her husband became so sick and was anemic. She and her parents took him to several doctors and different temples for healing, but nothing was working. So her husband continued to get sicker and sicker over time.”

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)
Everything changed when a pastor came to Naveen’s home. Naveen told him about her husband’s illness and how the doctors and temples could not help him.
The pastor began “sharing the Word of God and praying for her husband, [and] they started to see her husband quickly start to heal. After a few days, her husband was completely healed.”
Naveen began following Jesus after that and dove into God’s Word to understand her new faith.
“The story continues, though,” Bartholomew says. “All of her family members and relatives opposed Jesus. She said to them,… ‘If Jesus gave us a new life, we should glorify His name. So why do you want to do idol worship?’”
In 2018, Naveen felt called to do more to reach her neighbors and community with the Gospel, so she began Church Planter Training with Mission India.
“She has formed house groups and prayer groups in her home, and she’s continued to pray for her family and her ministry. So right now, she is in the midst of being trained to be a Church Planter.
“She’s taking that passion and that love of Jesus and now, herself, becoming a Church Planter to extend what God is doing in India in her local community.”

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)
You can come alongside Church Planters in India like Naveen with critical financial support! Just $2,400 covers their training with Mission India for an entire year.
Bartholomew says, “By investing $2,400, you will enable a church planter to go into a lifetime of ministry after a year of training. So it’s quite a powerful program when you think about it. For just $2,400, you are starting a movement through a new church and a village that may not have a church at all.”
Click here to support Church Planter Training!
*Full names withheld for security.
Header photo courtesy of Mission India.