Nicaragua (MNN/GAM) — Global Advance’s Esther Initiative is changing lives, one woman at a time.

(Photo courtesy of Global Advance)
Women are often the tie between their family and Christ. They have the influence to lead their children, and even their husband, to the Lord. Their role in the family is key in helping further the Great Commission. Sometimes, these women don’t know where to begin.
That’s where the Esther Initiative is coming into play.
The program is empowering indigenous women leaders all around the world through conferences, mentor-led leadership training, and discipleship resources. Vision, strategy, and tools are instilled, inspiring women to effectively impact their generation for Christ.
Women find the guidance they need through these Global Advance programs and mentorships.
Recently, a conference in Nicaragua was held and the result was astounding. Global Advance’s Whitney Daugherty writes, “They came, and didn’t stop coming.”
Hundreds of women gathered under one roof to worship God. Some lived just several minutes away from where the conference was being held, others took buses and planes that traveled for long and exhausting hours.
Once the travel was over, the real journey began.
The women sang and praised the name of God. They connected with Global Advance staff with joy and broken hearts.

(Photo courtesy of Global Advance)
Daugherty writes, “I embraced women who arrived with joyful confidence. But I was mostly drawn to kneel and hold hands with those who came broken with heads held low. Too ashamed to make eye contact. Weighed down by burdens too great to speak of in public. Souls parched, longing to be rescued form the drought that had robbed them of real living for far too long. They came because they were thirsty.”
The conference helped reveal the love of Jesus and His sacrifice. It refreshed those who couldn’t see hope anymore. It reminded them that the pain and evil surrounding them is simply temporary. And finally, it restored those who were broken.
In Nicaragua, women are able to lead their families in the right direction. They have the respect of society, their husbands, and families. This is rare in a number of countries and Global Advance wants to change that. Global Advance wants to embrace and embolden women to stand firm in the name of Christ.