Pakistan (MNN) — One Bible can reach many, and through the Twice as Far campaign, donations in February will be matched.
One Bible for nine people is the typical estimation made by Forgotten Missionaries International (FMI). While Christians in the West may own several Bibles, Bruce Allen of FMI says in many other parts of the world, “One Bible owns multiple readers.”

(Photo courtesy of Dwight Stone on Flickr https://bit.ly/2YJ60nX)
And from February 1st though 29th this year, donors to FMI can send twice as many Bibles through the Twice as Far giving campaign. FMI has been significantly blessed with “a $50,000 matching grant for Bibles to be provided to our overseas partners,” Allen says. Any donations given during February to the campaign will be matched by this grant.
The money will go towards both print and digital Bibles in many different languages. “We will be able to provide Bibles in Kenya,” Allen says, “that have just been translated into local languages, which have not been translated before. We’ll be able to provide in many local dialects and languages in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, thousands upon thousands of Bibles, if we get those funds.”
FMI hopes to raise $100,000 during the campaign. With each Bible costing $7 to produce, FMI will be able to send 14,285 Bibles. If each Bible reaches 9 people, then over 128,000 will receive access to Scripture in their own language and have access to the promises of Christ.
Sadaqat’s story

Sadaqat holds his treasured copy of the Injil (New Testament) that first riveted him with the good news of God’s unshakeable love through Jesus Christ. (Image courtesy of FMI)
And nine people is not just an estimate. Allen tells the story of Sadaqat, a 60-year-old Muslim man, who encountered an FMI partner and church planter named Adam. Sadaqat was very sad because his father had just died.
Allen says, “In that culture, Pakistani Islamic culture, the bond between father and son is so great and Sadaqat, even as a 60-year-old man, was lamenting the loss of his father and the loss of his love. Death has separated this bond of love.”
Pastor Adam took out a Pashto-language Bible and began to share with Sadaqat from Romans 8, telling him of the supernatural love of Jesus that, because of his resurrection, not even death can defeat. “And Sadaqat wanted to know more and more. ‘Where did you [find] such wonderful words?’”
Read more about Muslims hearing the Gospel here.
Sadaqat was filled with joy and began ravenously reading through the Gospels. He and Adam later met for three days to discuss the Gospel further. At the end of their conversations, Sadaqat received Christ.
In the three months that have passed since Sadaqat became a Christian, his wife and seven adult children have also come to faith in Christ. “What a wonderful testimony to God’s providence and arranging meetings and in the power of a single Bible to transform nine lives in a place like Pakistan.”
Get Involved

(Image courtesy of FMI)
Allen says people can give to Twice as Far online or through checks designated for the campaign. “We want to pray that God moves in the heart of Mission Network News listeners, congregations that they attend, small groups, [and] families, that they would have a generous and sacrificial spirit just like this initial donor.”
Allen also asks for prayer that many churches and individuals would become involved with Twice as Far in order to spread the Gospel and advance the kingdom of Christ. The recipients of the Bibles, people in Africa and Asia’s largest Muslim majority nations, also need prayer that they would understand and receive the Gospel with joy.
Send twice as many Bibles in February 2020 to people that need them (Image courtesy of FMI)