Somalia (MNN) — The United
States vows to fight piracy along the Somali coastline. New strategies under discussion include more Navy
gunships and the launch of a campaign to disable pirate
"mother ships."
Companies using those shipping
lanes are wary as pirate attacks have increased tenfold in the first three months
of 2009, compared to the same period in 2008.
Ransoms and delays have forced a difficult
choice for many businesses. Rather than
risk a run-in with pirates and lose an entire cargo, more ships are opting to
go around the Cape of Good Hope instead of the Suez Canal.
The distance adds fuel costs to
the bottom line, and delays can be equally costly. All of this has an impact on the price of
goods. The effect is compounded by a steep drop in revenue for Egypt and has had a
ripple effect on that nation's economy.
Ministries are not exempt from
the situation. Africa Inland Mission ships
vital supplies to their teams using these lanes.
Here's the story as it unfolded: AIM's
Mark Wilson was still learning the ropes in his new ministry as Logistics
Coordinator for AIM's U.S. Headquarters, when a call came offering a supply of
free Band-aids. Not thinking much of it, he gladly accepted the offer. "I am
always looking for ways to fill ocean containers," said Wilson. "I realized my
mistake when the second UPS truck full of Band-aids arrived."
"In packing the next ocean
container [full of valuable equipment], I had room left over after everything
was packed — I saw my opportunity to get rid of some Band-aids and filled the
empty space in the back of the container."
Later, they got word that pirates
did board a ship and break into one of AIM's containers. Upon finding the Band-aids used to fill extra
space in it, they went on to the next container, leaving AIM's equipment
God had a purpose for using those
many Band-aids to protect AIM's vital supplies. Keep praying for protection for
ministries shipping resources.
"I stand amazed at the faithfulness of God,"
says Wilson, "even in what I would consider my mistakes."