International (Pioneers/MNN) — Pioneers USA is asking for prayer for Gospel workers and believers around the world facing heavy spiritual warfare.
Some of these prayer updates and requests include:
“They are afraid of one another and have many prejudices,” writes one Pioneer about Orthodox and Muslim women in the Balkans. One Pioneer is helping at a reconciliation workshop between Orthodox and Muslim women. Pray that this opportunity would give her new contacts for sharing the gospel.
Pioneers in East Asia found a woman lying in the street and realized that she had jumped from the second story of her building in a suicide attempt. They took her to the hospital and want to continue reaching out to her. Pray that God would make it possible.
Pray for the families of believers who recently lost their lives due to the actions of terror groups. Pray that they would not grow bitter as they grieve, but put their hope in the One who will “bring justice to the nations” (Isaiah 51:5).
One Pioneer in Spain is fasting from using English to help her use and rely more on Spanish. Please pray for these three weeks to help solidify her new language.
A Christian man in Asia was murdered, and one of his best friends, also a Christian, has been falsely accused of the crime. Pray for the families of both of these men, and ask God to bring justice and comfort.
Would you pray for these needs?
Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches.
Please pray for my son Kulbhusan has written entrance exam for MBBS. Please pray that he will get the MBBS. My dauhghter is studying 10th and there are 8 orphan children are with us please pray for their need and study
I’m begging you all to pray to the Living God to release my daughter from all legal trouble she’s in; if it fits His sense of justice.
Please help me for praying my son bijal swain. He is suffering for one side of eye weak to see. But doctor said he is only 11 month that why I can’t say for his eyes.first u go kolkata and test eye and brain. After that the results so the reason. Please pray for nothing any falt of my son in eye or brain . Please pray for me.
I applying for long-term disability cause of chronic back pain got injured in manufacturing and effecting my work history cause of chronic pain in back employers tell me apply for long-term disability cause of back blown out back muscles I broke my back working like a slave hoping my disability claim goes through this month or im have to stay at a shelter in to approved in the name of Jesus Christ amen