Middle East (MNN) – The 10/40 window is a term referring to the regions of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia which land between 10 and 40 degrees latitude north of the equator. And it’s here where sharing the Gospel is arguably more difficult than in any other place in the world.
This is why SAT-7, a satellite television ministry to the Middle East and North Africa, is asking you to join them in intentional, committed prayer through their “1040 Prayer” campaign.
Dennis Wiens of SAT-7 says, “SAT-7 and our five satellite TV channels cover the whole western half of the 10/40 window, and so we’re asking people to join us in pray for the 10/40. And what we’re doing is asking people to pray 10 minutes a day for 40 days for the 10/40 window.”
To help people pray specifically, SAT-7 has provided some prayer points that you can get in your inbox weekly whenever you choose to start.

(Photo courtesy of SAT-7).
And the point of this prayer campaign? Well, Wiens puts it this way: “We want to see a growing Church across the Middle East and North Africa, and they need our prayer, our support. They need awareness. We need to correct stereotypes. A lot of people think the Middle East is hopeless because of all the trauma and hostility. But there’s hope and there’s God movements taking place. And everybody can join in, and it starts with prayer.”
The 10/40 window is notorious for being resistant to the Gospel. Wiens explains that this is often because people in the Middle East combine Western culture with Christianity. What they see of Western culture, they aren’t interested in.
“But if you can separate their perceptions from authentic biblical Christianity and let local Christians declare their faith and share their heart and the hope that they have, it really brings a new message and a new understanding of what the Gospel is all about in the context of the Middle East.”
So we can pray for these interactions between local Christians and their neighbors to take place in the Middle East and North Africa. But as we pray, our hearts begin to change as well. Wiens says prayer helps our own spiritual life to grow stronger.
“As we begin to pray for the Middle East, for the Church, for the 10/40 window, but also for our people that we’re involved in our daily lives, it draws us more into an awareness of what God wants to do in us and through us.”
Furthermore, we begin to see how God is directing our steps, daily.
“Join this campaign and join the thousands of others who are praying for the 10/40 window and watch what God’s doing to build His Church across that region.”
To sign up for the email and to learn more, click here!
(Header photo courtesy of SAT-7 PARS)