Nepal (MNN) — It’s been nearly two weeks since the worst earthquake in eight decades shook up Nepal.
Victims’ bodies are just now being recovered as aid workers and Nepali soldiers reach previously-inaccessible locations. Makeshift funerals are a daily occurrence as the death toll climbs to and surpasses 7,500.
But amid countless reports of devastation, hope remains. According to Baptist Global Response (BGR), their teams are finally able to reach quake survivors in at least two remote villages.
Remembering the unseen
Kathmandu and its urban neighborhoods have been the center of most aid agencies’ attention. “Carl,” the leader of BGR’s quake response efforts, says they’re focused on helping the overlooked.
Watch Carl’s entire update here.
BGR and their local partners were able to secure a food source in recent days and deliver it to quake survivors in remote locations. One village was close to the quake’s epicenter.
“Out of 2,200 houses, there was one house standing,” Carl reports. “10,500 people are without food, water, and a place to sleep.”
In another village, none of the homes remained.
“There were actually no [human] deaths in that community, but their water buffalo and their animals that were in the house were crushed,” shares Carl.
Sharing a reason to hope
BGR is partnering in the earthquake response with the Disaster Response Christian Coalition (DRCC). The coalition is made up of 10 Nepali Christian groups–many of them trained by BGR just this past February–who are working together to address the quake and make known the love of Christ to those who are suffering.
“They are already stretched and need some rest. Many are responding to huge needs but also have needs for their own families,” said BGR’s Executive Director, Jeff Palmer, in a recent update.
Palmer is asking readers to pray for DRCC staff. “Pray for them to get rest and be refreshed in the midst of the chaos.”
As the initial shock fades, believers are helping quake survivors come to grips with what happened. They’re also sharing the hope and understanding only available through Christ.
BGR needs YOUR help to keep this project going long-term.
“In the initial week after the disaster, people are not sure what’s needed for long-term. Everyone is focused on just surviving,” said Pat Melancon, BGR’s managing director of disaster response and training. “Now the reality hits of getting past that stage and starting life.”
Help BGR walk with quake survivors through the recovery process here.
“As you give, also remember to please pray for them,” requests Carl.
“Many of them will be out tonight sleeping under the stars, and we are working as quickly as we can to get a response to them.”
Pray that quake survivors’ eyes will be opened to the Truth of Christ’s salvation as they begin to process their grief and loss. Pray also for aid workers as they labor tirelessly to help as many people as they can.